Monday, November 10, 2008

Media class

Heeeeyyyyy my dear readers! (kira and hanna :)
What up?!?!? i'm in media RIGHT NOW! we have a sub so it's OK, were not doing anything anyways
Grrrrrrrr... thinking of subs makes me bad i'm vegetarien...
ummm i think the guy (sub) might have a slight mental illness...
a girl just said "what the heck?!" and he went all crazy and pretty much yelled: "ohhh my poor vergin ears! next time say "what the 'h' 'e' 'double tooth pick', or 'double hockey stick'!"
yeah....i'm scared....


Hanna said...

your sub sounds slightly crazy. Who was it? Don't worry, I would be scared too.
How long have you been vegetarian? I never knew... and you can get veggie subs you know :)

J'adore. said...